
Tips for Success...

Selling your FanCard is no different from your past discount card sales drive. As always, an organized event works best. We do encourage you to gather your players for the kickoff and/or blitz, an organized event always works best! 

Sell more cards- make more money... However, objective is to raise as much money as possible for your organization, right? FanCard prices can be set by your group, but in our experience, there is very little difference in the total # of cards sold when the card price is $10, $15 0r $20. Our suggestion is a price of $20. The total number of FanCards sold (each player's fair share) is entirely up to your group. Our suggestion is a goal of 20 FanCards per participant.

The one-time donation option is included for participants who want to reach out to supporters who are not local. Think of out of town friends or relatives. Participant's can send a custom TEXT with a one-time donation link, which allows these donors to help support your fundraiser, even when a card is not useful to the buyer! Parents and participant's can also contribute a one-time donation instead of card sales.   

K now Your Dashboard 

It reflects in real-time your goal, total cards sold by the group, your success and any one-time donations collected. Your supporters can be viewed as well form the dashboard, which has their name, status, funds received and reminder links if needed.
Enlist some help

Dashboard access can be shared with anyone (parents or others) who can help sale cards and manage your fundraiser. Credentials are tied to the participant phone #, the password unique to each.
Cash is King

Options to pay via credit card are on your dashboard, but quite honestly - cash is still king. However, if a Fan does not have cash and chooses to use a card - you're good to go.
Find your Fanatics!

Friends, relatives, neighbors - or anyone else in the community can enjoy the benefits of your group's custom FanCard. A strategic weekend blitz with a small group can also be beneficial. If you plan to gather at a merchants location, we'll add them to the card as a courtesy. 
 Hit your Goal!

Doing your part regarding fundraising is just as important as practice and showing up at group events on time. Know your goal and have a set plan to reach or exceed the number. Remember, the team goal and your individual goal is in your stats dropdown.
Small groups work Best

Small groups of 2-6 players work well when canvasing a neighborhood or selling your FanCards at a local storefront. Remember, to get permission prior to setting up shop!
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